Who Says You Can’t Teach An Old Dog New Tricks?!
I have to say that I have been a little very busy during my 40 odd days of being locked down due to the Corona virus pandemic. I have turned 60, (yes, I know that’s impossible right?) and in the past two or three weeks of lock-down I have learned 10 new skills. As I love a list, here’s mine. It’s called Over 60 and still learning new skills
During lockdown, I have –
1 Recorded a sewing related “How to” video on my phone on Video Editor
2 Recorded a voice-over for it on Voice Recorder- also found on my phone
3 Learned about licence free music (as I don’t want to get sued)
4 Downloaded a track from Soundcloud
5 Learned how to put all three recordings together and edit bits out on Kinemaster.
6 Taken the unwanted sounds off the video and added nice, licence free music on Kinemaster
(Thank you for the Kinemaster tip https://www.facebook.com/charlotte.m.oconnor.7 )
7 Learned how to set up a You Tube account
8 Learned how to put my video on You Tube ( OMG- will I be a You Tube sensation!!!?)
9 Learned how to install a plug-in on my website (who knew I even needed one ?)
10 Backed up my website so I don’t lose it (Thank you https://mami2five.com/)
The Fruits Of My Labour
And, just in case you’re interested, my complete blog post ( including the video link) is here
-or my finished video (without the blog post) is below that;
The lock-down isn’t all bad. It is certainly giving me the head space to just sit and think and think and think.
Have you learned a new skill since we’ve had to stay in? Have you started a new hobby, or restarted an old one? Are you Over 60 and still learning new skills?
I’d love to hear. Post a comment if you like. But above all take care and keep safe.